How does our leadership development program change participants overtime?
Catalyst Experience is a nine-month experiential learning lab designed for current and emerging leaders in the non-profit, business, and church communities who share a passion for the well-being and prosperity of residents living in the Grand Rapids, MI region. The 12 leaders who are selected for the program experience day-long workshops, multi-day “vision trips” to other cities to learn about other city-wide transformational programs, small group discussions, and personal reflection opportunities.
This year-long evaluation aimed to understand the impact of the Catalyst Experience program and examine the effectiveness of the various program components. Beyond Data collected this information to serve at least two main purposes for program leadership: (1) to use the feedback to fine-tune the experience for future participants, and (2) to communicate the value of the program to potential participants and supporters.
We conducted semi-structured interviews lasting 30-60 minutes with half of the Catalyst Experience participants. We interviewed each participant twice, once mid-program and once at the end. They were asked to describe their reasons for joining the program, which elements impacted them, and the changes they’ve observed. We also analyzed overtime quantitative changes to participants’ Incarnational Framework Inventory data – a tool that was linked directly to many of the concepts participants discussed over the course of the 9 month period.
We provided a number of reports to program leadership. Early in the year, we provided a summary of baseline interview and survey data, and at the end of the program, we summarized final interviews as well as over-time changes in participant’s survey findings. In both cases, we offered feedback for leadership in the form of “questions to consider” as they sought to use the findings to improve the content and delivery of their program. So that leadership could share these findings easily with potential applicants and donors, we provided a short slide deck and one-page summary of highlights to communicate program benefits.